Apply to be my friend

I’m a big fan of the concept of friends, but not so much of the process of making them. Too often, we only become friends with people through organic, in-person relationship building, and that often results in siloed bubbles. What if there was a more democratic way of making friends?

With that in mind, I present to you the application to become my friend. This is a free application, open to all on an ongoing basis. Selected friends will receive a night on the town with me, Alex Teplitzky. Friends who don’t live in the New York area are entitled to a series of email, text messages, and phone call exchanges, as well as a promise that we will hang out if I’m ever in the area.

Frequently asked question about me as a friend

What makes you such a good friend?

Good question! I can only say what others have said about me: I keep in touch with my friends, I check in with them, I ask about what they’re doing in their lives and try to make them feel excited and accomplished about it. One friend told me I would have made a good RA in college because of my attitude of supporting people.

What kind of friend are you looking for?

I am looking for all types of friends, and I hope that this open application will open up my friend group to a wider, more diverse roster of people. I think we all could stand to have more friends across backgrounds, locations, and ages.

What does it cost to apply to be your friend?

The application is free.

What’s the catch?

No catch! I just want to find new friends. (And I’m happily married!)


24 Hours in December


24 Hours in July